Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Attempt at Printing Real Parts

I have not finished all of the calibration steps listed on the RepRap.org Wiki's Calibration page, but I couldn't wait any longer to print "real" parts.  Also, I really wanted a spool holder.  The MendelMax 1.5 printed parts kit that I ordered and used to build my printer did not include a spool holder, and I was beginning to worry that the way the filament was feeding up and into the extruder from the spool sitting on the table beside the printer might cause some issues.

The spool holder I decided to print was this design from Thingiverse:  http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:16586

Everything looked great on the larger, flat, lower part of the print.  When the printer got to the small portions that stick up off of the bed and form the clips that latch over the corner of the extrusion, things got a little hairy.  I think I will be able to use the parts, but I am pretty sure I need a cooling fan to help material solidify when the printer is working on small parts that are close together.

Here's a video of the early part of the print:

And this is the end result.  Note the deformation on the upper portion of the parts.

Need to print two more of these to form the spool holder, then I think it's time to mount a fan to the extruder/hotend carriage.



  1. Awesome to see it! Permissions on the video don't let it play for others, I don't think.

    1. Thanks. I checked on YouTube and the video is set to "public". Can you check again and see if you can view it? Strange . . .

  2. I got it after I signed in to my google account. Awesome!
